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While Ordica’s focus has always been on making the daily commute simpler, healthier, and more eco-friendly, our range of electric bicycles are designed with versatility in mind, to take you from commuting on the weekdays to adventuring on the weekends.

For those who want to spend their spare time trekking, ebikes offer the perfect solution. Rather than needing a separate bike for the daily commute and the weekend trails, you will have an all-in-one solution. You also won’t have to throw your trail bike in the back of the car before driving to your destination. With the extra power provided by the motor assistance, you will have the energy to get where you want to go on your ebike, before enjoying the ride around the park or along the coast, and then returning home with ease.

Travel Further with Trekking Ebikes

Electric bicycles have been embraced by the mountain biking community, because the assistance they give going uphill allows for more time enjoying the downhill ride. But why should mountain bikers have all the fun? Wherever you’re going, a little motor assistance allows you to get there faster, or to travel further.

This makes commuting to work possible for many people who would not be able to make the journey on a traditional push bike. Outside work hours their trekking ebike makes more adventures possible, conquering hills and headwinds as if they’re not there at all.

Reduce Your Emissions with a Trekking Ebike

Many of our customers are looking for a way to reduce their own carbon footprint. Cycling and taking public transport are two great alternatives to driving a petrol guzzling car, but they simply aren’t practical for many people.

Not only is an electric bicycle a much more affordable option than other forms of personal transport, but with a trekking ebike you can travel further than you would on pedal power alone, or get to the train station without the need for a car.